Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Careers in Photography

Careers in Photography
Wesley Nepomuceno
                Photography started in the late 1800’s and today has expanded from not only recreation, but also full blown careers. The most obvious career for photography is of course being a photographer. Photographers have on average usually make of about $30,000-$40,000 annually, but there are cases where a photographer can make even more, this percentage of photographers is however extremely low. Examples of employers for a photographer can be mass media such as a news stations or networks, newspaper, free lance or in more private sectors such as photo studios, art museums or even in a battlefield that is in the middle of a war zone. Some photographers can also be employed by public sectors such as law enforcement as a forensic photographer or even being a photographer that takes photos of newly built buildings such as schools. Most common work for a photographer is in the media as previously stated, since these photographers are usually given 40 hours and 5 days of work when they go take photos locally or travel to distant places to take photos for media such as magazines, newspapers, and websites.  The trips that a photographer takes to places that require an airplane are covered by the company they work for. That can mean an all expense paid trip to Jamaica to just take pictures or somewhere else exotic. Of course most people who become photographers become one because of their love of photography and capturing the moment through a freaking expensive camera or a cheap one-shot capable of HD photo taking or even just a cheap camera bought on a meager salary.

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